Monday August 14, 2023
Hebrews 13:16 - “But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Our anchor scripture implies that one reason why people don't do good and share out of what God has blessed them with is because of forgetfulness. This is intriguing. Many people don't do good not because they lack the intent or desire but because they don't remember. Forgetting to do good and to share is just as bad as having no desire for it because they both have the same result - no good or sharing is done. This can be detrimental to lives and destinies hence the Bible relates forgetfulness to unrighteousness (Hebrews 6:10, KJV).
It is indeed sacrificial to do good and to share. This is the reason why some struggle to do this. However, God demands and honours sacrifices. As our anchor scripture says, God is very pleased by the sacrificial acts of goodness and sharing. The Bible is full of stories of people that pleased God and provoked His blessings with their good works and giving. For instance, Cornelius received an angelic visitation because of his fear of God that translated to prayers and charitable deeds (Acts 10:1-4).
Furthermore, it was until King Ahasuerus lost his sleep, which made him open the book of records that he remembered to do good to Mordecai. Beloved, who do you need to remember to do good to today? Is it your parents, siblings, pastor, friends, or brothers and sisters in Church? Maybe you need to open your own "book of records" whatever that may represent to help you remember. You may also need to pray that God will cause people to remember to bless you.
Prayers: Father, I am grateful for my many blessings. Please help me remember to do good always and to share. Also help people remember me for good in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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